Blockchain And NFT For Beginners

We're Early. So Early.

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) began its first bullish cycle in 2021.

The concept and the use cases are so novel they're still being explored. Add in the complexity, the hype, and the scams, it's no wonder NFT becomes so misunderstood.

Through IRL (in-real life) discussions, I hope to share my perspective and knowledge of this space, and to convince others to take a look at NFTs. And I truly believe that we're so darn early on the adoption curve, it'll pay to be early.

Intro To NFT Classes For Beginners

Learn about:

  1. What is blockchain and cryptocurrency

  2. What are NFTs and how they can be used in our day-to-day lives

  3. Hands-on setting up on crypto wallet + important security measures

  4. Hands-on minting of NFTs

Next Session Date TBC

GRUB Stevens Road

Price: $35, inclusive of 1 Bite + 1 Drink